By Arthur College, EVC Associate Faculty, Accounting

I wish to thank AFT 6157 and their representative, Jory Segal, for their assistance with my case before the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.

Last Summer (2022), I filed for unemployment insurance and received the payments during that period.  In October, I received a letter from the Unemployment Department stating that “I had a reasonable assurance” of continued employment and was therefore ineligible to receive unemployment.

The Department said that I had to pay them back all the payments that I received for that summer break.

I appealed my case and contacted the union for support.  They in turn provided me with an appeals document citing the Cervisi case to prove that I did not have a “reasonable assurance of re-employment,” even though I have been employed by the same school for 23 years.

Thanks to the union, I won my appeal!   With the union by my side, the unemployment appeals board reversed their demand that I pay back the money I received.

If your application for unemployment is denied or you  have been told you must now pay back what you received, you should appeal against the unemployment department’s findings.  It is in your best interest to contact the union for support and representation.
Take it from me.  Our union is here for us!  Seek out the union’s help to win your case.