Cope Bylaws
The following are the excerpts from the AFT 6157 Bylaws that refer to COPE.
6.4 Committee on Political Education (COPE)
6.4.1 There shall be created a San Jose/Evergreen Faculty Association, AFT 6157 Committee on Political Education, known as COPE.
6.4.2 A COPE Board shall consist of the Executive Board and four members, two from each campus, appointed by the Executive Board. The AFT 6157 President/designee shall serve as chair of the COPE Board.
6.4.3 The purpose of COPE is to promote and support responsible and qualified candidates for the Board of Trustees of the SJECCD, other state and local candidates, and legislation, which may have a significant impact on educational funding and policies of SJECCD.
6.4.4 Membership in COPE is voluntary and is established by paying COPE contributions.
6.4.5 Decisions to endorse candidates and legislation shall be made upon recommendation of the COPE membership and by a vote of the COPE Board. Only dues paying members of COPE shall be entitled to vote on COPE issues.
6.4.6 COPE is registered with the State of California as a state committee that makes contributions and expenditures in connection with state elections and/or elections in more than one county that mainly have to do with candidates for community college districts or schools.
6.5 COPE Coordinator: (Appointed by the Executive Board for a two year term) Working with the Executive Director, and President of AFT 6157, or designee the COPE Coordinator shall be responsible for:
Supporting the President of AFT 6157 with COPE meetings.
Coordinating communications with COPE membership on up-coming meetings and Political activities.
Encouraging members to participate in COPE activities and contribute to COPE funds through salary deductions.
Studying relevant proposed legislation, proposed initiatives, candidates for elected office, and initiate recommendations.
Presenting current political issues/concerns at the local, state, and national levels.
Recommending to the Executive Board through the COPE committee, disbursement of COPE funds (e.g. political contributions).